Purchased items will be shipped from our warehouse location within 4-7 business days of the order, although most orders will be shipped within 2-3 business days.
Shipping prices are determined straight from the carriers. The cost of the shipping depends on the weight of your entire order and its destination from our warehouse location; Los Angeles, CA.
Domestic (USA): All domestic orders are shipped via USPS with delivery confirmation. Standard delivery time is 2-5 business days from date shipped, but may take longer. Most domestic orders are received within 1 week of ship date.
International: International customers are responsible for customs duties and/or brokerage fees in addition to shipping costs assessed during checkout. We are not responsible for international shipping delays, such as customs delays and not responsible for any customs duties or taxes fees (if the package is shipped back because the customs payment was not paid we are not able to refund your order). We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments.
The buyer assumes all responsibilities of claims made with the shipping carrier and all duties/fees incurred on the shipment.